Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Food, Smog, and Rain!

Hey it's me, Lyla, and as for my time here in China- it's been totally crazy, fun, and as you know, super busy; as well as completely foreign

China is so different and yet still so the same. The fashion here is AMAZING, the traffic laws are practically nonexistent ( as in like I'm talking taxis hitting old ladies- pedestrians do NOT get the right of way, and the sporadic car driving down the sidewalk, etc.). The food is extremely different- they did not kid when they said it wasn't like American Chinese food- but I am being fairly nourished and we eat a lot here.

I feel like I'm always eating as a matter of fact. And yes, the smog is so thick that there is not even a horizon line on most days and the sun here is the average moon shine in glare although somehow the sun still is fryingly bright and strong. I even took a picture out of my dorm room window on the rare day so far that I can see the horizon line to celebrate the elusive visibility lol!  I'll show you the pictures when I get back- I've already taken tons and we are only one week in (approx.)

I would upload them on the the computer if I had that kind of talent ( I clearly don't- I would probably just break something) but I'll ask for help because I want to send them back home to you guys and put them up onto my facebook as well. Everyone says that this year has had entirely odd weather for Beijing.... it has actually rained more than it has been sunny- and I'm talking SHEETS of rain at that. Needless to say I am now accustomed to getting periodically soaked/drenched. Till next time! 

Yi Li!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yo Yi Li, its your lil man ryder. we miss you come backsoon.