Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 6th

Sunday! We have finally started to get used to the schedule here that it was sort of wierd that we had a free day today. We all slept in till about 10:30 and then after a brief lunch, we all headed out to a small bakery across the street from our dorm and basically bought up the entire store as everything was under a dollar and everything looked so good that we all thought that it was fake!
Today we were finally able to get some internet connection as Mike and Ted were nice enough to give us laptops that we set up with internet connections. We all scrambled behind each other to get just a couple of minutes on the laptops so that we could get in contact with the outside world and see what was going on with our families and tell them about our adventures here. 
After lunch, we went to a street with a lot of stores and we stayed there till about 5 o'clock., we headed back, had dinner, relaxed, went on the computer and went to bed.

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