Monday, June 30, 2008

US-China Relations DC Briefing

Hey it's Lyla

Today was our second day in D.C. and it was absolutely GREAT but I am totally exhausted as our schedule was non-stop. We visited several think-tanks this morning, went to a delicious Chinese lunch, and met with one of Senator Obama's advisors who told us even more about China. It was really hot all day but early evening it started pouring. We fortunately had gotten back inside before the rain started and had just returned to the hotel from the Chinese Embassy!!!! We got free shirts too and took tons of pictures! It has been a fun experience and we're not even in China yet...... can't wait; we're all really excited!   -- Lyla

Hey it's Daniel!

So far we have met our other members who will be going with us to China. Today we had the chance to meet, listen, and talk to government advisors and officials. I had plenty of my questions answered. I was slightly surprised as I was expecting the classic political diluted truth to my questions. There were plenty of questions answered truthfully or with a good poker face. I had one advisor talk briefly about the outsourcing to China and he kinda slightly offended me when talking about Rochester. I mean come on we're on the rust belt, we're the ones being affected by it...his sentiments were less then any manner first two days on the trip have gone well. Below are some pictures of our group during these hot, but amazing days in DC. -- Daniel

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Daniel et al,
Sounds like things are going well so far. I envy all the new things you'll be learning in the next few weeks. The pictures are great! Interesting comment, Daniel about the outsourcing, and a fascinating opportunity about what is driving the trend to go overseas for technical expertise. Is is because highly trained technical Americans unwilling to work for the kind of money we're paying the Chinese and the Indians?
